Recently, a random act of kindness in the Nation’s Capital inspired a driver to share the video of a Good Samaritan.
Thousands were inspired by the moment that happened on April 14th, after it was shared on Reddit.
It may look like the woman, who was being drenched on the sidewalk, began holding the umbrella over a covered baby stroller, but upon closer inspection, you can see it was someone in a wheelchair holding a newspaper to cover their head.
Not only did the driver go out of his way, the woman used the umbrella to shelter the person in the wheelchair instead of herself.
The wholesome scene evoked other memories for people watching the video. One viewer recalled such a moment that happened to her outside Washington, DC.
“Once when I was living in Falls Church (Virginia) I was walking to school in the rain and a sweet lady picked me up and drove me the rest of the way,” wrote commenter, ParanoidAndrea. “I was, like, I’m gonna get your car all wet! She didn’t care.”
“Oh and just to add to her level of kindness I was big-time punky-looking, wearing mostly black and huge pants and all, the kind of kid some people love to judge negatively. A really good memory of mine.”
FunctionalERP_92 recalled the time he was trudging through a Brooklyn rainstorm when a car slowed down, lowered a window, and “chucked” an umbrella at him. “It was one of the nicest and most New York-ish ways of being helped out.”
“This happened to us in DC,” wrote ApotrAde. “Wife and I got stuck under a tree on the sidewalk with a stroller with 2 kids. A guy pulled over and threw an umbrella out the window, wont ever forget that.”
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One viewer’s father worked for the New Jersey transit so he had a lot of umbrellas that came from lost and found. “If it was raining when my dad would pick me up from school he would slow down the car and give umbrellas to the kids who were walking home without,” says Evilgirlattack. “It was embarrassing then, but now that I’m older I think it’s awesome.”
SamSepiol-ER28_0652 keeps a car seat in his trunk even though he doesn’t have kids of his own. “I do it because once I stopped to help a mom and baby caught in the rain, but without a car seat (she just had a stroller) she couldn’t ride with me. I let them wait in my car with me.”
“Now I know that if it happens again I can safely transport a baby or toddler if I ever see someone in a similar situation.”
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Confirmation that there are still good people in the world. Good News Network is so worth the subscription.
So sweet!! We need to be kind to one another during these trying times! And always!
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