If you'll be hiking and camping this summer, you're probably on the hunt for clothing and gear that will keep you comfortable and make your travels a bit easier. Outdoor gear can often be quite expensive, which is why it's always great to catch it on sale, whether you're looking for a new pair of waterproof hiking boots, a durable, spacious backpack, or even a tent for overnight trips. Luckily, plenty of hiking and camping gear is on sale at so many retailers right now ahead of Memorial Day weekend.
Memorial Day is a great time to buy outdoor gear since it's the very beginning of the season. If you wait much longer, there's a good chance the best items will sell out and it's not certain that best-sellers will be restocked during the summer. So if you'll be hitting the trails at any point from now through the end of the season, it's the perfect time to shop, especially at Amazon, since many products are marked down for Memorial Day weekend.
However, if you're looking for even more outdoor options, trusted outdoor retailer REI is also holding a massive Anniversary Sale right now through May 30, so don't wait to shop to save up to 30 percent off summer adventure gear (you can even find some hidden deals for an even greater discount). Similarly, Backcountry is holding a Memorial Day Sale with items up to 50 percent off and Eddie Bauer is offering an extra 50 percent off clearance items when you use the code KAYAK50 at checkout.
Related: The 31 Best Early Memorial Day Deals You Can Shop on Amazon
Hiking boots and shoes from shopper-loved brands like Timberland and Merrell are deeply discounted going into the holiday weekend on Amazon. You can score men's and women's Merrell Moab 2 Mid Waterproof Hiking Boots for as little as $95, and they typically go for $145. With a leather upper and mesh panels to increase breathability, they'll keep your feet comfortable on hot days, while a lug sole provides plenty of traction for tough trails. At REI, you can shop 20 percent off all Keen footwear for men, women, and children, including sturdy hiking sandals that will take you through the trails (and creeks and streams) with ease.
Hiking backpacks are also majorly marked down right now, including this sleek pick from The North Face, which has plenty of room for outdoor essentials, but is compact and stylish enough for everyday use. If you're looking for something a bit larger, opt for the under-$40 Speedpark 40L Waterproof Hiking Backpack, which is also impressively durable and will keep your belongings safe inside, even in rainy conditions.
If you'll also be camping this summer, check out this modern, packable camping chair, which is currently 40 percent off. At just $42, you might even want to buy a few of these foldable seats so your whole family can enjoy a comfortable chair around the campfire. REI's sale includes great deals on tents, such as this pick from its in-house brand that can fit two people comfortably and is easy to travel with since it only weighs just over 5 pounds when packed up. It's currently discounted to $140, down from $199.
Keep reading for some of the best hiking and camping gear on sale at Amazon, REI, Backcountry, and Eddie Bauer right now, including clothing, shoes, bags, and more.
Related: The Best Hiking Backpacks for Women
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