Cyberpunk 2077 has an amazingly simplified armor system. Unlike almost all the other mechanics of the game, which are mostly too complicated, armors are pretty straightforward. In the game, all armors have an armor rating and Mod slots. Legendary armors have the most mod slots, which is why they are considered the best. Moreover, you can upgrade armors to increase their rating. In today’s Cyberpunk 2077, we have listed the best legendary armors and their set with locations for each of them. While you’re at it, why not read our Cyberpunk 2077 legendary cyberwares guide.
Here are top-tier 39 legendary armors that you should have in Cyberpunk 2077. We have mentioned armor rating of each armor piece and the location where they are most likely to be found ore acquired in the game. On second thought, if you’re going to stylize V in the game with unique armors, then read our Cyberpunk 2077 Legendary clothes guide as well.
Even if you acquire all these unique armor pieces, you will need money to upgrade them. Here is our Cyberpunk 2077 infinite money glitch guide to rack in lots of in-game currency.
The Legendary Techie armor set is one of the best sets In Cyberpunk 2077. Techie armor set has a total of 319.9 armor rating. Since each of the pieces of this armor is legendary, you can get many Mods installed. On top of that, you can upgrade the armor pieces to get the utmost best out of them.
Here is a complete list of all the legendary armor pieces of Techie Armor set with locations In Cyberpunk 2077.
This piece of armor is located on the outskirts of Night city, in the Badlands. You can find the marked location between the Edgewood Farm and Medeski fuel station.
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Once you reach the marked location, you will see a minefield on the west of there. Just across that field, there will be a container, and inside here, you will find the Laminated Ice-Protected Techie Ocuset.
This hat is found at the Rocky Ridge, Badland. You will easily spot the marked location from the Rocky Ridge fast traveling point.
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Upon reaching there, look for a bunker near a rundown car. When you find it, get inside (You will need technical ability to unlock this door). Here you will find the Cushioned Techie Baseball Cap.
You will find this shirt near Sunset Motel’s fast travel point in Badland.
When you reach there, drive right inside the tunnel and keep going straight. Just before the end, you will see a black car on your left. The Thermoactive Tear-Resistant Techie Shirt is behind that car.
This pair of pants is located at the loopy road east of Santo Domingo, Rancho Coronado.
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Look for the dead man beside the NCPD car on the right at this location. Loot the Reinforced Duolayer Techie Cargo Pants from him.
To find the location for the Techie shoes, look on the south of Asaka tower fast travel point in Corpo Plaza, City Centre.
From there, follow the yellow stripe on the road to a room, and get inside after unlocking it. The Cushioned Aramid-Sole Techie Shoes are on the backside of that room.
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Getting the legendary Media Armor set in Cyberpunk 2077 is relatively easy. Media Armor set has a total of 351.3 armor rating, which is considered a reasonably good base rating. You get four pieces of armors for this set, and all of them should give you enough Mod slots to be invincible.
Down below is how you can get each armor piece of Media armor set in Cyberpunk 2077.
These glasses are located at Badland as well. Just southwest of Regional Airport, where there is a V-shaped road.
When you reach the marked location on the map, you will see a big solar-like plant. On the right side of this plant will be a run downed container. Your Armored Media Ocuset With Camera is inside that.
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The location for this cap is near the Regional Airport fast travel point in the outskirts of Night City.
When you reach the location, you will see a giant door with a building behind it. Cross that door, and you will see a tower beside the building. Climb up there, and you will find the Media Baseball Cap With Reactive Layer there.
You will find the marked location at the very western edge of Wellspring, Heywood.
Once you reach there, find the stairs leading down and go all the way down. Once you are here, go past the railings. Behind these, you will find a dead man with Heat-Resistant Nanoweave Media Shirt.
The marker for Media pants is at the edge of Charter Hill, Westbrook.
When you arrive there, look for the “Cirrus Cola” shop. Climb up to that shop, and up there, you will find the Anti-Piercing Tactical Media Cargo Pants.
The Corpo/Corporate armor set is the best armor in the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077. Right out of the base, you get a whopping 530.3 armor rating, and once that is upgraded, it will make you immortal. Corpo armor has the potential to take your armor rating to 6,000, and at that number, you don’t take any damage. The complete Corpo armor set has tons of mod slots, and if you utilize it properly, it will be a great advantage.
The complete location guide for each of the pieces of the Corpo armor in Cyberpunk 2077 is given below.
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It is found on the loopy road at Santo Damigo, Rancho Coronado. The marker below is on the second loop from the west side.
When you are there, you will see a billboard saying “Akasaka Extreme Performance.” You will see some rubble lying on the right below that billboard. Inside that rubble, you will see a loot box, and this box contains Tactical Hybrid-Glass Corporate Glasses.
The marked location is at the very northern edge of Watson in Northside.
Look for the “Barely Illegal” sign on the railing when you reach that road. In front of that railing, you will see a burning car, and behind that, there will be a dead man. This dead man has Corporate Blazer With Bulletproof Lining.
This shirt is located behind a construction site under a Downtown City Centre bridge. The location is right at the border with Heywood.
You will see the construction site on the opposite side of the building with a red glowing logo. On the very back of this site, you will find the Carbonweave Silk Corporate Shirt on a dead man.
The Corporate pants’ location is between two roads at the edge of Northside, Watson.
When you are at the marked location, head left and go inside the area with small walls. There you will get Breathable Reinforced Bid-Cotton Corporate Slacks from a dead man.
The corporate shoes’ location is at the edge of Charter Hill, Westbrook.
Here you will find a big parking lot. Inside there, look for the burning vans. Behind one of the vans, you will find a dead man with the Ergonomic Reinforced Corporate Evening Shoes.
The Fixer armor can also be considered the best armor in Cyberpunk 2077. Having over 533 armor rating, it makes complete sense to think of this set as the best as well. The Fixer armor set, just like the other sets on our list, offers a significant number of mod slots. It, too, can go over 6,000 armor rating just like the Corpo armor.
Here is the location for each Fixer Armor piece in Cyberpunk 2077.
You will see the location marked below on the southwest of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point.
You will see some big containers in front of you there. Past these containers, you will see a dead girl. That girl has the Polycarbonate Opti-Enhanced Fixer Glasseson. Just loot them from her.
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You can find the Fixer coat beside a road near Kendal Park fast travel point in Santo Domingo, Rancho Coronado.
When you reach there, you will notice a giant broken Ferris Wheel. Look for some people sitting on the left side of that Ferris wheel. You will see a loot box in front of a fallen Carriage on the right side of those people. Inside that box, you will find the Trilayer Aramid-Weave Fixer Coat.
This location is right between the Vista Del Rey, Heywood, and Arroyo, Santa Domingos.
When you are on the road, go to the right side to see some shop vendors. From here, go straight. Then go right when you pass some containers, and when you are at the end, go left. There you will see a dead body with Heat-Resistant Aramid-Weave Fixer Shirt.
You can get Fixer pants just a bit on the west from the middle of Japantown, Westbrook.
Go inside Jig Jig Street, and take the first left into an alleyway. In this alleyway, there will be two dumpsters; climb up to the stairs of the building using those dumpsters. Now at the very top, inside a small room, you will get your Protective-Layer Fixer Pants.
These shoes are located at the Cresent & Broad fast travel point in Japantown, Westbrook.
Here look for the way to the underground parking lot. Just before the entrance, you will see a yellow van. Inside the van, you will get the Elastiweave Fixer Shoes With Reinforced Seams on a dead man.
Badge armor offers excellent protection of 291.5 rating in Cyberpunk 2077. But the thing it lacks is that it only has three legendary pieces. Other sets on our list have 4 or 5 pieces of armors to go with them. Due to the lesser number of armor, it wouldn’t get as many Mods; hence it’s not of the top sets on our list.
Here are the locations for all three pieces of Badge armor in Cyberpunk 2077.
The Holo-Tinted Badge Goggles is on the southwest edge of Northside, Watson.
When you reach the marked location on the map below, you will see a street going inside on the left. Inside, you will see many people, don’t go there and turn left again. After a short walk, you will see a dead NCPD officer. That officer has the goggles your looking for.
Look to the road west of Almunecar & Jerz fast travel point to find the location.
When you are here, go behind the burning NCPD vehicle. There you will find two Heavy-Duty Aramid-Reinforced Badge Coats on two dead men.
The location for the Badge boots is near the Rancho Coronado East fast travel point in Santo Domingo.
When you are there, look for the NCPD car with stairs beside it. Climb up those stairs till you reach the rooftop. Now look for two dead men, and both of them have Waterproof Badge Combat Boots on them.
The Rocker Armor set is also the runner-up for the best armor set in Cyberpunk 2077. The Rocker has an impressive armor rating, having 532.6 and 5 armor pieces. More pieces mean more mod slots. And that directly influences the armor rating and the types of effects it will have. So the set is considered an excellent armor set.
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The locations for all pieces of Rocker set in Cyberpunk 2077 are provided below.
These glasses are found in Santo Domingo, Rancho Coronado.
When you reach the marked location, go under the bridge there. On the right side, you will find a lady sleeping or dead. She has Scratch-Resistant Polarized Rocker Aviators. Just loot them from her.
The Rocker vest is near the Kabuki Central fast travel point at the edge of Kabuki, Watson.
When you reach here, find the staircase to the apartments located right in front of the Hotel. The board on this Hotel says “Hotel” with some Japanese underneath. Once you find the staircase, go up and turn left and climb the next stairs you see. After climbing those stairs, take first left onto other stairs. You will find the dead man with Duolayer Polyamide Rocker Vest in front.
The Rocker tank is located on the Northern side of Batty’s Hotel in Coastview, Pacifica.
You will find a climbing spot on the right side of the marked road. Now climb up and head straight towards the end. Find a dead man with the Reinforced-Seam Cotton Rocker Tank on the left side.
These pants are at the western edge of Corpo Plaza, City Centre near the Downtown North fast travel point.
On your right below the bridge, you will see an area. You will find a prison-like room with Elastic Flame-Resistant Rocker Pants at the end of there.
The location for these boots is near the bridge going to Watson in Downtown, City Centre.
You will see some stairs on the left of where the bridge starts. Climb up there, go to the very end, and unlock the door. Here you will find the Puncture-Resistant Rocker Ankle Boots.
The nomad armor set is one of the best armor sets in Cyberpunk 2077. If you can get your hands on all the pieces for the Nomad armor, you will quickly get through the whole game. Moreover, it will offer many mod slots for all different types of mods.
We have listed the location for the pieces of Nomad Armor set in Cyberpunk 2077.
It is located on the southeast outskirt of Night city in Badland. The marked location is directly west of Autowerks fast travel point.
When you reach there, head straight to where you see the satellite dishes; somewhere here, you will see a container, and in front of the container, look for a sofa with a loot box. That loot box contains Manganese-Laminate Nomad Gas Mask.
This Jacket is located in the desert beside the straight road, between the Regional Airport and Protein Farm fast travel point.
When you reach the marked location, drive your way to the house you see in the middle of that desert. On the backside of this house, you will find a bunker, and the Duolayer Microplate-Mesh Nomad Jacket is inside there.
The Nomad shirt is on a straight road on the east side of Regional Airport fast travel in Badland.
Head straight from the location and keep going until you find a broken car. On one of the sides of this car, you will find a dead man with Polycarbonate Nomad Shirt With Reinforced Seams.
The Nomad boots are west of Old Turbines in the eastern Badland.
Here you will find a gas station and a building. Behind those, there will be a door underground. Get inside there. You will get the Durable Bioleather Nomad Western Boots from a dead man inside.
Solo armor set has some of the best base armor ratings amongst all the Armors in Cyberpunk 2077. Furthermore, You can upgrade these legendary armor pieces for an increased armor rating. Then to top it all, equip all the pieces of Solo armor with mods to increase armor rating. All in all, it’s an armor that is worth looking for.
Here are all locations in Cyberpunk 2077 to look for this armor set.
The Solo Jacket is located in front of Metro: Glen North fast travel point in The Glen, Heywood.
When you reach the marked road, go right and take the first left. Keep heading straight till you find a red-looking chamber. Go inside there, and at the end, you will see a dead woman who has the Heavy Shock-Absorbent Solo Jacket on her.
The marked location in Badland is towards the very east of Santo Domingo. Just before a crossroad shaped like a V.
When you reach here, drive left and stop when you find some dead people lying there. You will find the Ultrathin Composite-Print Solo Shirt in one of the suitcases there.
You can get these pants at the edge of Wellspring, Heywood.
When you reach there, get down at the shores and go under the big infrastructure. Now look for a door and climb up there to go back. Now climb down and turn around to get the Armor-Plated Synleather Solo Pants.
The Solo boots are the edge of Kabuki, Watson near a circular building.
From the left side of the marked location, go downstairs inside the market. On the left of down here, find the elevator. Go to the third floor in that elevator, and after you get out, you will find a loot box with Gold-Tipped Manganese Steel Solo Boots on the left.
These are legendary armors that aren’t part of any particular set, or there aren’t enough pieces to complete a set. And so we decided to add them here.
You can look for each armor piece given at their provided location in Cyberpunk 2077.
The marked location is right in the middle of Little China, Watson.
After reaching there, head inside the street with many vendors. Now look for the pink circular logo on your right. When you find it get down there and go back until you see two glowing arrows. The arrows will be pointing to a dead man with Anti-puncture Neotac Pants With Composite Lining.
You will find this location in the Middle of Watson, in Northside.
Look for the prominent round tank-like place. When you find it, climb on top of the stairs given there. At the top, you will get Dura-Membrane Netrunner Pants.
The Netrunning Suit is located west of Ventura & Skyline fast travel point In The Glex, Heywood.
On the side of the road, you will see a lot of scrap in front of a building. There will be a small room here. You need to go from behind to get inside. Here you will find the Heat-resistant Hybridweave Netrunning Suit.
The Composite shoe’s location is near the Lele Park fast travel point in Charte Hill, Westbrook.
On one of the corners of the crossroad, look for the underground bunker. Jump inside there and get the Hardened Netrunner Boots With Composite Inserts from there.
There are three essential tips to keep in mind.
There are a total of 39 Legendary armors listed here. All the armors are divided into their given sets in the game, making a total of 8 legendary armor sets, but you can pick different pieces from all the sets and create an original armor for yourself. However, if you wear a complete set, it looks way cooler, and some of the sets are extremely powerful. The choices you make in this game are entirely up to you. While looking for the best stuff in Cyberpunk 2077, check our Best Motorcycles in Cyberpunk 2077 With Locations.
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