Everyone is motivated by something. And this week the students at Benjamin Logan High School were motivated by the chance to support their community and, well, hats —yes, hats. It all culminated on Wednesday when they participated in a variety of sports and fundraising activities, then threw enough cash into buckets to raise more than $13,000 for a good cause.
The Raider Relay — an annual event at the school — focuses on raising money for the Logan County Cancer Society (LCCS), and having fun doing it. As things got started, the students walked around the track with cancer survivors Kandy Jacobs, Stephanie Meeker and Melody Baker.
Throughout the day, the teenagers spent much of their time participating in games like Tug-o-War, miniature golf and pickleball. Activities also included a silent action and arm-painting, along with munching on snow cones and cotton candy. It all came to a conclusion with a lively end-of-the-day show in the auditorium.
Sophomore Hannah Phillips took charge of that show for the second year. “I thought it would be fun,” she said, “and I love organizing.”
As things came to a close, students were given an incentive: raise at least $1,300 and get to wear hats for the rest of the week; push that number over $1,500, and they could wear hats for the rest of the school year. By emptying their pockets — and with the help of donations by staff members totaling $400 — they raised an additional $1,934 in less than an hour.
End-of-the-day show host Matt Smith, school counselor, announced, “Cowboy hats, baseball caps, fezzes … we’re in control” to cheers from the room. And Jeff Amspoker, assistant principal, had to kiss a live hog based on a monetary voting system. The FFA ran this fundraiser a few weeks ago—students paid for votes to determine which of five staff members earned that extra “privilege.”
All in all, the total came to $13,360. Besides the show, this amount included T-shirt, ticket and concession stand sales, donations, and funds raised through Bowls for a Purpose and Improvising a Cure, which took place April 21. The money will provide financial assistance and support to Logan County residents with a cancer diagnosis or cancer-related illness.
“What an amazing group of leaders and students,” Tammy Allison, LCCS chief operating officer, said. “This will truly impact the lives of the Logan County residents we work with.”
With LCCS, 100 percent of the funds raised go directly to that cause. Salaries and administrative overhead are covered by Mary Rutan Health.
To keep the impetus going, Benjamin Logan Middle School hosts its Rally for a Cure on Monday, May 16.
For more information about the Logan County Cancer Society, and an application, visit the Mary Rutan website at maryrutan.org/lccs or call (937) 599-7022. Appointments are required.