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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The First Alert Storm Team is forecasting rain on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
If you're going to Churchill Downs and plan on bringing an umbrella, think again.
"No, Umbrellas are allowed at Churchill Downs," Spokesperson Darren Rogers told WHAS11 News.
He's still holding out hope for dry weather. But, he also said 46% of Kentucky Derbies have seen some precipitation. So when the time comes, Louisville will know what to do.
Anna Hickman, a hat designer at Dee's, said the solution might already be in your closet. "The number one thing we recommend is a clear dry cleaner bag. Take your hat or fascinator off, stick it in the bag, put it back on your head," she said.
They've been giving one out with every order and actually ran out. Don't worry, they bought more.
Customers filled the store Monday, making last-minute purchases and additions to their derby hats.
We ran into Dr. Joya Griffin from National Geographic WILD’s Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya. She told WHAS11 News she is praying it doesn't rain.
She's still in the process of finding a hat, trying to pick something BIG. "The bigger the better really, you know what they say, 'the bigger that the closer to Jesus.'"
Everyone we talked to agreed, they won't let rain ruin the races.
Samantha Giovenco said, "I have family coming in from out of town so we're all going and I really hope it holds out. Because we have family coming and we've been waiting for this for three years."
Regardless of what we see come Thurby through Derby, Louisville will make the most of it.
Darren Rogers said, "Those that are in the infield I would imagine they'll continue their traditions of slip and slides in the mud."
For a complete list of what to leave at home before heading to Churchill Downs, click here.
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