Zombies, Tyrants, and Lickers abound
Netflix has unveiled two teaser trailers for its upcoming Resident Evil series, due to release on July 14th. You check out the trailers themselves in our original post, but in the meantime, there's an awful lot to unpack here, so we thought we'd share some of the most intriguing images from the two trailers and see what's going in New Raccoon City.
The first trailer kicks off by giving us a glimpse at the main characters in the show: Billie and Jade Wesker. They're moving to 'New Raccoon City' which, by the looks of it, appears to be an entire city manufactured by Umbrella Corporation.
We then move onto some pretty ominous scenes, with Albert Wesker himself (played by the esteemed Lance Reddick) peering into a microscope, before showcasing a rat going nuts and smashing itself against a glass enclosure (which seems to be the way all zombie movies start, right?). We also get a glimpse of the umbrellaisjoy.com website, which takes you to the second teaser trailer (we'll take a look at that in a bit).
In the next batch of screens, we move to London in the year 2036. It's clear that something went terribly wrong at Umbrella (shock!), and the city of London now lies in ruins. We get a look at a battle-hardened Jade Wesker, who gazes in horror at a sea of ravaging zombies. What's not clear at this stage is where New Raccoon City is located. Is it near London? Is it in another country? This may well be a global event taking place.
Finally, we get lots of quick shots showing characters and actions set-pieces. We're not sure who the chap in the first shot is; maybe a modern version of James Marcus? Not sure... If you have ideas, let us know. We then get a look at who we assume to be Ada Wong (or it could be a version of Excella Gionne from RE5), before catching a brief glimpse at what appears to be a Tyrant, then a slobbering zombie dog.
The second, somewhat secret teaser trailer is arguably more interesting than the first. It gives more information on 'Joy', which is what Umbrella seems to be calling its anti-depressant drug. Unfortunately, the drug itself contains the deadly T-Virus, so... oh no, etc!
The first batch of screens take place in an Umbrella conference room, with a rather joyful (ahh!) looking teddy bear hologram introducing the Joy drug, which Albert Wesker explains is a "miracle cure". We then see Ada Wong (we assume) who strikes a look as if to say "nah, that ain't no cure".
Next, we get a look at the manufacturing process of the Joy drug, with Wesker explaining the presence of the T-Virus, which "creates monsters". Our assumption here is that Wesker distributes the drug across New Raccoon City (and possibly the world), knowingly retaining the T-Virus within.
Finally, we move back to London in 2036. We get a look at the same zombie scene we covered earlier, before moving onto some awesome glimpses of classic Resident Evil beasties. First up is the Zombie Dog, which looks like it's about to make that poor person's day a lot worse. Next, the iconic Licker faces off against Jade, before we move onto a zombie running (yes, running) down a corridor. Finally, a giant maggot or termite smashes out of the ground and roars - yikes.
So there you have it! If we've missed anything glaring here, please do let us know in the comments and we'll look to get the article updated. We did catch the giant spider, but since the scene looked so dark and blurry, it just didn't seem worthwhile trying to capture a screenshot.
Let us know your thoughts on Netflix's Resident Evil series. Are you looking forward to this fresh approach to the lore, or would you prefer Netflix stuck closer to the source material?
[source youtube.com, via umbrellaisjoy.com, youtube.com]
The Hungry Caterpillar got a bit too much to eat it seems in that last image, that one is an absolute unit.
The Umbrellaisjoy website is where you can see the second trailer, it's not much but it's worth a quick look
@YoshiF2 Would you like to elaborate on that?
Looks marginally better than yesterdays indie presentation.
@Ronaldore I’ll pass. On YOU! Burn.
@Superniall666 I think it’s pretty self-explanatory
@nessisonett both are terrible things to do. Just keep the characters as they should be. Unless Wesker is a clone of the original or something, I don’t see any reason to change it.
Hollywood really sucks at doing Resident Evil.
@Ronaldore Agreed. This is an easy pass for me. It looks terrible.
This could go really bad, or pretty decent, not counting the fact it's a netflix original on top...
I have no faith in any of these kinds of shows anymore. Picard, Halo...all just garbage heaps. Everyone is battling over political messages and representation and stuff but I think that should all come secondary to making sure the show is actually, y'know, watchable.
Weird. Something about this reminds me of the Covid vaccine. Like Pfizer=umbrella corporation and the vaccine was a miracle solution 🧐
My issue with you guys complaining about “woke politics” in movies/shows is that you dismiss things outright before you even know if the thing will be good or not. In my opinion you’re all annoying, people being overly “woke” and the people complaining about it. You’re going to have to get over LGBTQ stuff being a thing, whether you like it or not. It’s not going anywhere and the longer conservatives push against it, the more it’ll be pushed into media (not that I personally have a problem with it in the first place). Your concern should be the quality of the project, and if all it takes for you to dismiss it is seeing a gay couple or colored person play the lead, your concern isn’t about how good it is and it just shows your ugly prejudice to the world. I don’t know why I’m preaching to the gaming community, which in my experience seems to be incredibly intolerant anyway.
@Phostachio I'm already over it. I wont let that stuff detour me from watching a movie, if it's there, it's there. Whatever. I'm just saying it's hilarious how much they force all of that stuff just to appease a small minority. Everything feels maticulously balanced out(Race diversity, Politcal correctness, having at least one gay couple in a movie etc) again to bypass the negativtiy coming from the crazies. You can't raally make fun of anybody or anything these days without hearing back lash, comedians are mostly walking on egg shells and the same can be said for directors. You wouldn't even be able to make a movie like Superbad these days. It's pathetic. welcome to cancel cutlture.
@WaveBoy I do agree that woke culture has been killing comedy, but I don’t agree with the whole “force all of that stuff” mentality a lot of folks have. We’re finally in a time where people are becoming more accepting of the LGBTQ community and directors/actors/writers are more comfortable to create content that’s inclusive. I don’t really see what’s wrong with that. I’m not gay, but I don’t get mad at seeing a gay character in a film. There’s nothing that screams stunted growth and immaturity more to me than someone being upset that people are different than them.
@WaveBoy Hahahahaha. Let’s look at things on both sides. On the one side we have thousands of years of systemic discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, which still happens in many countries around the world. Including countries in which it’s punishable by death. On the other side, “You wouldn't even be able to make a movie like Superbad these days”. Unless you genuinely would like to say that you are outright against LGBTQ+ rights, do you not see that a lack of Superbad (if that’s even the case) is a laughably small price to pay for the cause of tackling widespread abuse?
@Phostachio From my perspective, both sides are whining incessantly. I just want to watch some good TV again. Resident Evil, don't do what Halo did. That's all I'm gonna say.
@ATaco It could turn out ok, i thought welcome to racoon city was mediocre, but still somewhat more entertaining than the rest of the resident evil sequels.
@Phostachio from my perspective you are being equally annoying. So I guess you're right! In other news I'll stick to the classic original Resident Evil film.
@ATaco From what I’ve heard, Halo’s bad because of the shoddy special effects, bad writing, and that it didn’t stick to source material. Not because of “woke” culture.
@Phostachio "really don't care" but proceeds to write an entire wall of posts. You're doing an awful lot of assuming and stereotyping. Hopefully your kids won't be so judgemental of others with a different opinion as you are. I'm pretty open minded, I just have my own beliefs and I'm willing to learn from those with differing opinions. It's called communicating and being understanding. Take care sir, this is going nowhere.
@Arkay I’ve lived most of my life in Florida, was raised by parents who came from predominantly conservative/redneck families, and was able to not become a product of my environment and kept to my own morality and opinions. I’ve always been open minded, which is why I’ll call out people refusing to watch a movie, show, or play a game merely because they might contain LGBTQ themes or have a female lead kicking ass, or a colored person. If that makes me judgmental for fighting back against people being judgmental, so be it.
@Phostachio I wonder why it didn't stick to the source material? Food for thought.
@nessisonett wesker was Japanese? Since when? Hes always looked like a sinister American Chad in the games
@ATaco I don’t know, care to give me your opinion on that? I haven’t watched the show.
@WaveBoy you accuse them of making LGBTQ stuff for people to obsess over yet the only people writing diatribes and obsessing over it seems to be those pissed it exists like yourself…
@WaveBoy I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love games. I just don’t love the guys spending 8 hours a day gaming, watching streams, regurgitating conspiracy theories and other dumb nonsense, posting on 4chan etc. I probably play videogames at for at least eight hours a week. I’m talking about the incels who seem to hate the world outside of their bedroom.
@Phostachio How do you feel about the millions of people who sit on their butts, pressing buttons and staring at their cell phone like a zombie for hours on end a day?
8 hours of gaming a day is a lot...That's excessive. Nobody has that much time unless you're a kid, an unemployed adult, or it's the weekend and you just want to indulge, that is if you dont have kids and aren't married. I go for about 2 hours, sometimes 3 every now and then. I'm just not really into most modern AAA video games anymore, i gravitate towards retro & VR mostly with the occasional big hitter. Heck, I think i beat 2 games in the last 2 years prior to my recent VR binge as of late and i've been enjoying the hell out of it. AstroBot: Rescue mission is blowing my mind.
But ya, I've missed out on a lot of games since i dropped out of gaming back in 2012 after the Wii, and now having just gotten back into it 2021, kind of. The sad thing is, i buy more than i actually play.
@WaveBoy I’m mostly into retro games myself these days! Look, I apologize for some of the name calling. I definitely get more heated online than I would in a face to face discussion. I just don’t get the woke culture outrage. Yeah, I think some people can be TOO sensitive but that goes for both sides and it’s hard to to look at someone complaining about LGBTQ stuff or women in media or colored folks playing a lead and not think they’re a bigot. If you’re not, that’s great, but try not to give off that impression in the future.
@Phostachio No worries! And fair enough man. Just wanted to say, i never said i had any problem with a lead actor being a different color in a movie. I think some people are having issues with Albert Wesker being black instead of white in this new RE series, but i couldn't care less at this point in regards to how accurate his portral is or what color his skin is. I was just saying how obvious it is these days when they have one asian, caucasian, african, mexican, etc lined up in a shot to prevent those people who would normally complain about a lack of race diversity. Doesn't really bother me even though it may of sounded that way in one of my earlier posts, just saying it's something i've noticed during the last few years.
As for RE wesker, He's become a replica of Agent smith from the matrix in the video games and every RE movie prior to Welcome to racoon city for crying out loud. lol It's the complete opposite of grounded and comes across cartoony as hell. time for something differnt kind of like how they humanized him, again in welcome to racoon city. I'd reather see a new take on the character myself, and maybe this new Wesker might be the ticket.
@Phostachio Ah, haven't even watched the show. Fair enough. Will you be watching this one?
Why is everyone talking about "woke" things? I'm awoke too, y'know! Jokes aside, I'll pass this one (too much already with the recent albeit very interesting film).
@Ronaldore Do you think Umbrella will give away medicine for free in this version?
Wow, @WaveBoy and @Phostachio need a new hobby other than pointlessly arguing with people on the internet and being equally annoying and flooding the comment section.
Then again, this is coming from HotGoomba, so what do I know?
Yeah, I mean okay if it’s a historical film I’d rather they stuck to the source material as close as possible unless they’re intentionally doing their own spin on it (Hamilton), but I never understood the anger with a POC being cast to play a fictional character. Unless the ethnicity/culture is a huge part of their character (for instance a white American playing Black Panther wouldn’t make sense), it really shouldn’t matter. I’m more concerned that this show just won’t be very good based on Resident Evil’s track record with anything outside of videogames.
We’ve already resolved our differences, you’re a bit late.
Probably not. I usually dread when they make shows/films out of videogame I.P’s, but maybe this one will prove me wrong. Actually found the Uncharted movie to be entertaining even if it isn’t going to win any awards, so we’ll see.
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