Early Files: After-midnight council adjournment prompts 'Hallelujah'

2022-08-20 02:41:30 By : Mr. Tom Zhang

The War: The interest of the people in the war is evidently on the increase. It is daily becoming more and more real to them. Until recently it has seemed a thing afar off. Now it has come directly home to our personal and social view. Our friends and neighbors, more and more of them, are going forth to battle with rebellion, and even our own quiet village (Barnstable) has some of the appearance and circumstance of martial preparation. Numbers of our young men are on the eve of leaving for an indefinite absence; "three years or, the end of the war."

More:Early Files: Anti-war protest held in 1972 in Hyannis

Hyannis reading: The entertainment at Masonic Hall on the 14th inst. (August 14), consisting of Readings and Recitations, by Mrs. Hannah G. Mayo and Prof. T. F. Leonard, was a brilliant success. The readings were characterized with great dramatic power and native ability, and were listened to by a very appreciative and attentive audience. The floral decoration was most tastefully arranged, which compared favorably with Mrs. Mayo's grace and elegance.

Barnstable: Mr. Geo. E. Dolby of this village has been appointed by Collector Worthington Second Assistant Keeper of Highland Light, in place of Mr. Crosby of Provincetown, resigned. A good appointment.

Marstons Mills: The entertainment and sale of ice cream, given by the Sewing Circle in Village Hall last Thursday evening, was very successful. The playing and singing of the Misses Bearse of Cotuit, and the violin playing of Mr. Ozial Baker were highly spoken of.

More:Early Files: Hyannis baseball game called in 8th inning when score reaches 47-12

The following is the report for July of Miss Mary Williams, supervising nurse for the district comprising Barnstable, Yarmouth and Dennis: This month has been a very busy one in bedside nursing work. New cases among the summer visitors and many new confinement cases have made this part of the work unusually heavy. The dental clinic for school children was continued twice a week during July, with Dr. Clifton Ginn of Hyannis in attendance. (Note: It was reported that July case visits in the town of Barnstable totaled 371, including 277 nursing visits, 61 home school visits, 16 social services, 11 child welfare, and six prenatal.)

Rain helps Crops: County Agent Bertram Tomlinson says that the recent rains breaking the prolonged drought have put the soil in fine condition for all mid-summer crops. The early vegetables were the worst sufferers from the lack of rain and he assumes that the vegetable gardens were the most seriously affected. The soil is now in good condition to mature all fruit crops to average size and to promote good growth for all garden and field crops.

More:Early Files: 1,000 people check out new Craigville Beach bathhouse in 1932

The Navy caravan, the new Cruising Recruiter is due to come into Hyannis, Wednesday, Aug. 26, at 2 p.m. The Navy's two-ocean Fleet, which is leading the way to victory, has created limitless opportunities for men between the ages of 17 and 50. By means of this rolling caravan it is bringing to the men of every community a convenient and easy method of joining the service of his country in a capacity in which he can at once do the most good and find a position for which he is best qualified and at which he is most likely to succeed.

Miss Dorothy Worrell, who has served as editor of this paper for over five years, tendered her resignation recently to take effect with the close of business concerned with today's issue of the Patriot. Miss Worrell is to take up at once organizing and writing work for the Salvation Army, and will travel about through the territory of Southeastern Massachusetts, which includes Cape Cod, and the State of Rhode Island. (Note: Born in Boston, and a resident of Centerville, Dorothy Worrell was editor of the Barnstable Patriot from 1947 to 1952, and later served as a Centerville news correspondent. She was a graduate of Radcliffe College in Cambridge.)

Barnstable Municipal Airport Notes: Ted Kennedy, candidate for U.S. Senator, hit the campaign trail again Sunday via the air lanes. With Preston Childs at the controls, stops were made at Boston, Fitchburg, Pittsfield, and back to Boston. Other Kennedys traveling via Cape & Islands this week were Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver and the president's brother-in-law, Stephen Smith. (Note: It was also reported in the Patriot that President Kennedy’s sister, Pat and her husband Peter Lawford were picked up by helicopter “for a hop to Maine.”)

Meeting postpones dog officer action: After more than half an hour of debate Barnstable Town Meeting reps Monday night barked down three articles (14, 15, and 16) that sought to provide for an assistant dog officer and vehicle, but did vote to keep on the books the year-round dog restraint law approved at this year's annual meeting. (Note: It was reported that dog-related agenda “consumed the longest discussion of the meeting.”)

More:Early Files: New JFK Museum JFK Museum in Hyannis draws hundreds to 1992 opening

The town is receiving $800,000 from the state and federal governments in the first in a series of payments totaling $2.3 million that are expected to close out the giant $16.2 million town sewer improvement and expansion project. The project, town acceptance of which has been delayed for more than a year, is in its last stages. The new state share ($504,542) "is the maximum state payment that may be made prior to the final payment," the state said. The federal share ($228,000) will be paid in the near future.

Time limit on council meetings proposed: A proposed order setting the time of adjournment of regular town council meetings at 10 p.m. will receive its first reading tonight. Five councilors have sponsored the item in the wake of the last council meeting, which adjourned at 12:15 a.m. and prompted a "Hallelujah" to be recorded at the end of the official minutes of the meeting.

More:Early Files: Cape Cod Secretarial School students aid war effort

APCC changes name to APCC: It's a subtle, almost unnoticeable change, but the Association to Preserve Cape Cod's new name saves four syllables from the former iteration. Known for 32 years as the Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, APCC has been an advocate for the Cape's environment since 1968. (Note: The name change reduced the syllable count from 14 to 10.)