WFXT reports Wayfair is making the cuts due to declining sales. On its most recent quarterly sales call the company reported a loss for the second quarter of this year atop declines in both revenue and the number of "active" customers.
People are buying furniture online but they aren’t buying American made. Why would you buy something across the ocean that you can get here ?
1. You dislike your items to arrive in good to fair condition, only broken. 2. You enjoy being sent a replacement, for free, without having to send back the initial order, and then having two broken items. 3. Being sent another replacement in fair condition, yet missing a crucial component, is your ideal shopping experience. 4. Fighting for weeks for a refund rather than a replacement and still receiving broken replacements each week is a fine use of your time.
Signed, Local Idiot and proud owner of seven 80 lb. outdoor umbrella bases and three useless umbrellas.
There is only so much cheap furniture you can buy before you tell yourself enough.
They are selling a lot of just OK stuff and they still haven't figured out how to manage the process.
This is their second round of layoffs since the employee protest in Boston.
I’m sure that plays a role when deciding where to lay off employees, geographically speaking.
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